Tag Archives: photography

Four Corners Public Arts Mural

I am ecstatic to announce the The Newark Artists Photo Documentary Project has been included in Phase II of the Four Corners Public Arts mural program. I have be working closely with curator Rebecca Jampol, on a 37′ long mural honoring the work and contributions of 6 artists from the project. The mural will be completed by the end of 2020.

“The Four Corners Public Arts partnership is thrilled to announce three new public art projects coming to Downtown Newark for Fall/Winter 2020/2021. In the upcoming weeks, FCPA phase II will commence with: The Newark Artists Photo Documentary Project by Colleen Gutwein O’Neal; Will You Be My Monument by Salamishah Tillet and Alliyah Allen of New Arts Justice at Rutgers University – Newark, designer Chantal Fischzang, photographer Scheherazade Tillet and Keary Rosen of the Form Design Studio at Express Newark; and We Are Home led by Yeimy Gamez Castillo in collaboration with the ImVisible project and artist Layqa Nuna Yawar.

This phase of the program sought proposals that directly address community building through public art. Each project includes thoughtful and intentional collaboration, engages various audiences, and brings to life narratives that are constructed through open community dialogue. “We are living in time that demands that public art represents the diversity and dynamism of the communities in which it is made,” says Salamishah Tillet, Director of New Arts Justice. “To meet this moment, Newark artists are collaborating on murals and monuments that reflect who we are and by doing so, are reimagining the vibrant possibilities of who we, as a city and nation, can be.” “

Read more about the project: fourcornerspublicarts.org/phase2

Learn about documentary photography with me in a new online course hosted through the Newark Museum of Art

Time and Tide: Battambang, Cambodia, 2018

Learn to build a narrative around  your photographs in this four-part online course led by photographer, curator, and educator Colleen Gutwein O’Neal.

Documentary photography is deeply rooted in conveying a message to an audience through a meaningful series of images. Participants will explore how photography can be used as a tool for scientific development, social change, and community engagement. Each session will explore  photographic techniques through both historic and contemporary examples. 
The course will include four one-hour zoom sessions and access to a closed Facebook Group for posting assignments, resources, and discussion. 

Students need access to a camera or camera phone for this course 

Click here to register.

*** Limited free scholarship tickets are available for this class, contact Ryan Reedell for more information: rreedell@newarkmuseumart.org 

Learn more about the Newark Museum of Art: https://www.newarkmuseumart.org

Grand opening of SHINE Portrait Studio

Join the celebration this Friday, May 5, 2017 for the grand opening of Express Newark and Shine Portrait Studio in Newark, NJ.  I will be shooting complimentary black & white portraits in the Shine Studio from 5-8pm, as part of a happening.   See the Small Forest contact page for directions to the studio.  Click HERE for information about the Express Newark grand opening celebration.  (accessible by train, bus, and car: parking deck available under the Hahne building, closes at 10pm)

I am very excited to be working with Matthew Gosser.  He will be providing set pieces for the photoshoot from his current curatorial programming: “Art & Artifacts of Newark”.

Open Studio & Gallery Reception October 23rd

Join me for an open studio visit on the 3rd floor of Index Art Center, followed by the Opening reception for the Queen of Angels: When a Church Dies exhibition, all on Sunday October 23rd. Free transportation is available to local galleries and artists studios, more information HERE

 Index Art Center Open Studios 


LNY for the Newark Arts Photo Documentary Project

October 23, 12-6pm
Index Art Center

I am lucky enough to share my studio space with my talented husband, Joseph O’Neal.  Please join us in our studio from noon-6pm on Sunday October 23rd.  The gallery at Index Art Center will also be open and showing Intersection 2016, in which both Joseph and I are participating.
Facebook Event HERE


Queen of Angels: When a Church Dies


Unintended Relics, 2016

October 23 & by appointment.
Opening Reception: October 23, 4-7pm
270 Central Ave, Newark

After a 5 year hiatus from curating Ar+chaeology exhibits, Matthew Gosser is bringing the idea back to help celebrate Newark’s 350 anniversary founding. The Queen of Angels church, and school, was a highly significant historic landmark which was recently demolished.  A collection of artifacts, photographs, and historic research was plentiful to artists in this exhibit charged with the idea of creating works that speak of the Queen of Angels.
Information for Newark 350 HERE
Facebook Event HERE


Three Exhibitions Opening on October 21st in Newark, NJ

Newark Open Doors 2016 will be happening October 19 – 23rd this year.  On Friday, October 21st, three exhibitions I am showing work in will be hosting opening receptions.  Free transportation to all of the gallery openings that night is available with registration for the “Gallery Crawl” through the Newark Arts Council.  Hope to see you there!

The 5 Wards


Ballantine Brewery. September, 2016

October 21 – December 17
Opening Reception: October 21, 6-9pm
City Without Walls

The 5 Wards is a photography exhibition curated by Akintola Hanif featuring works by Manuel Acevedo, Cesar Melgar, Tamara Fleming, Colleen Gutwein, Fabian Palencia, Nema Etebar, Stefan Brown and Rhys Valmonte. Presented in conjunction with HYCIDE magazine, the exhibition will also launch The 5 Wards online series, which is part of Newark Celebration 350.
Complete information for The 5 Wards HERE
Facebook Event HERE

Market Street Convergence II


Samantha Katehis, above her studio.

October 21 – November 12
Opening Reception: October 21, 5-9pm
Gallery Aferro @77 Market St (fl. 2)

25 exhibits/ 4 buildings/1 block/1 night
Market Street Convergence II is presented by Gallery Aferro and the Newark Arts Council for the Open Doors citywide arts festival.
Alongside other photographic documentation of Newark,  I will be exhibiting The Newark Arts Photo Documentary Project: Selected Color Prints
Complete information for Market Street Convergence II HERE
Facebook Event HERE

Intersection 2016


31 Central, September, 2016

October 21 – November 17
Opening Reception: October 21, 6-11pm
Index Art Center

Intersection 2016 features work by artists that have studios located at 31 Central Avenue in Newark. 31 Central has been occupied by artists and creatives for more than three decades, helping to establish an emerging arts community in the Halsey Street area and Downtown Newark. Intersection will also feature works by artists that have studios at 237 Washington Street – Index Art Center’s new location after a fire displaced the organization in 2013.
Complete information for Intersection 2016 HERE
Facebook Event HERE

Like Jazz…a Visual Perspective

artist: Kati Vilim

artist: Kati Vilim

Join me during the opening reception of  “Like Jazz…a Visual Perspective” , a group exhibition, March 2nd at 6pm in the lobby of the New Jersey Performing Arts Center’s Victoria Theater in downtown Newark, NJ.

“Like Jazz, women are smooth, soulful and swinging, they are masters of improvisation and they sing the blues. As is jazz, women are ragtime, bebop, and cool. Women are jazz musicians and have jazzbands.” 
Gladys B. Grauer, Curator

I will also be taking part of the evening’s panel discussion “Women Speak: Art and Jazz at Newark 350”  The discussion will focus on the significance of the work of women artists when using the past to plot the cultural future of Newark.

View the Press Release HERE

The exhibition and panel discussion are free and open to the public.

Time and Tide in Cambodia

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Currently I am working to obtain funding to spend 6 months traveling and documenting all aspects of daily life across the entire Kingdom of Cambodia. The final images will be printed in a book as a  visual map of contemporary Cambodia by region.